Jude Love is one of my closest and most talented friends and created this fabulous website! Jude – a self confessed labrador tragic – is Personal Business Brand cheerleader who will assist you take your brand, message, site and socials from Ho Hum to Hell Yeah! Visit her websites here Judelove.com.au Loveandwest.com

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STS is my happy place. It provides a community where people feel safe to challenge their bodies and face their fears surrounded by positive people and support. I’ve made amazing new friends and, encouraged by our instructors, we have had loads of fun creating acts for student shows.   Whether you’re an absolute beginner dreaming…

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POW circus group photo

I’m a total fan girl for the Performing Older Women’s Circus, in Melbourne. Their dedication to aerialising the over 40s and general joy hunting is one of the many things that keeps me inspired to go to class here in Sydney. Want to join me getting up to great good, up in the air, up…

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Betty Goedhart world record holder mature trapeze performer

Betty Goedhart performs extraordinary stunts at an age where many wouldn’t dream of such as physically demanding hobby. Now aged 92, she has held the title for the Oldest performing flying trapeze artist (female) since 1 July 2017 when she was 84 years 249 days old. Betty’s inspiration stems from her childhood when her parents took her to…

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